Saturday, January 14, 2017

First Visit to the Community and Making the Decision

Chad and I weren't particularly shopping for a house. We visited Ryan Homes communities and registered for news and updates in the past, but we had never filled out applications. Chad received an email about this community sometime in late December and we went check it out.

On our first visit, the sales rep (Sam) at the community was very nice to us. Well, I wouldn't expect anything different from someone who is trying to sell me something, but I had a good vibe about her. We took a tour of the model, I stole some candies from the goodies bowl on the kitchen counter (hey, don't judge), and we sat down with Sam to talk estimates. After adding and subtracting and more adding and more subtracting options to the house, pretty much everything we need / want in a house was in the final quote and the numbers were not bad. I mean, enough to make the stingy side of me cringe at the thought of paying for it for 30 years, but not bad, nonetheless.

We went back home and really analyzed our savings and expenses. The one thing we were very concerned about was with being house poor. What is the point of buying a home if we can't take care of it, right? Another decision we had to make was whether or not it was worth it to put paying off our debt in the back burner for a year or so. We had made the commitment a few months prior to start dumping every extra penny we had into our student loans in order to become debt free. Although that is also very important to us, we realized that we can resume doing that once we are settled and used to our monthly bills. As I mentioned in my previous post, it really made sense for us to take this step and we are glad we did. You know you made a good decision when the thought of it makes you feel more excitement than anxiety.

On January 2, we went back to the community and told Sam the good news. We signed our purchase agreement, I stole more candies from the goodies bowl, and we paid the required fee to hold the lot and take it off the market ($5,000). Then, it was real. Yay!

Of course we had to take the obligatory photo:

1 comment:

  1. So excited to watch you guys go through this journey.
